“What really counts in life”: Kathrin Emely Springer’s success coaching
“What really counts in life”: Kathrin Emely Springer’s success coaching
Happiness and success cannot be measured by income or social position, but begin with an inner attitude. The new guide book "What Really Counts in Life" gives you the courage to face life and its challenges.
Follow your own goals – not those of others
Kathrin Emely Springer knew very early on that she wanted to become a psychologist. Even from a child's perspective, helping people seemed to her to be an important and desirable thing. Of course, her parents saw things differently and later practically forced her to learn something "proper". The author and personal trainer, who now successfully offers leadership coaching and conflict resolution, can hardly believe that she managed to complete her training as a tax assistant and even completed it. During this time, she was constantly struggling with back pain and circulatory problems and was tormented by existential fears. After this experience, however, she was determined to make her own decisions in the future.
It was only when she started doing what she really enjoyed that her life developed the way she wanted it to. In her new book, she advises: "Recognize your strengths, recognize what is currently holding you back from living the life you want." Her success coaching "What Really Counts in Life" shows in detail how such sabotage programs, which are not compatible with our own goals, arise and how these harmful value systems can be dissolved.
The path to success
The reasons why we do not get what we want include harmful beliefs and expectations from those around us. However, if you look at the careers of successful people - "not to copy them, but to be inspired," as Springer recommends - you will notice that in one way or another they have all done something that was not "normal": "And they were all brave enough to follow the path they thought was right, even in the face of possible resistance."
What is also striking is the attitude of these people. In their perception, obstacles represent a challenge, a task that must be solved somehow. If something doesn't work out, it is not a catastrophe that calls into question all their efforts, or worse, their abilities. "Whatever they do, they approach things actively, they don't wait until they are perhaps offered an opportunity at some point, they basically create the opportunities themselves," says the psychologist.
All those who have followed a path that others have prescribed for them have become unhappy sooner or later and have had to admit that this path was the wrong one. Only those who dare to follow their own path will lead a successful and happy life.
Inner happiness and success
According to Kathrin Emely Springer, happiness has a lot to do with our mental attitude: "If we live according to values that are not ours, sooner or later we will become unhappy. Because we are not in harmony with our inner being." But how do you become happy? By working on your beliefs and reflecting on yourself: "Only when we find out what the reason for our unhappiness is can we do something about it. We can change harmful beliefs. We can free ourselves from dependencies and situations that are not good for us. We can focus on the positive and stop feeding the negative with our energy." In her daily practice, she repeatedly observes that most developmental leaps are made in bad phases: "If we are suffering, we take a closer look, question things and are motivated to change something."
The basis for happiness and success can also be passed on - for example when raising children. Kathrin Emely Springer is firmly convinced that the purpose of education should not be to train children out of their intuition about what is good for them just to meet social norms. On the contrary, it is our duty to encourage everything that helps children to maintain their sense of themselves and to stay in touch with their inner self.
Book tip:
Kathrin Emely Springer: What really counts in life. Success coaching. Recognize your strengths and dare to be successful. Mankau Verlag 2018, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 158 pages, 9.95 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-484-7.
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