On the art of a fulfilled life
On the art of a fulfilled life
Former top manager and author Matthias A. Exl writes about “self-liberation”
"Free yourself!" by Matthias A. Exl has been published for the first time as a paperback. The spiritual guide describes the personal transformation of the former top manager to a truly liberated life. "The change for the better lies within ourselves, because reality is only a mirror of our inner self," says the author today.
“I had lost myself”
Matthias A. Exl had apparently achieved everything one could wish for: At the height of his career, he worked as vice president of a service company in whose global development he had played a key role. 500 employees, the largest venture capitalists as financiers, paid a princely salary - that was his life. Back then, he would have said it was a life of abundance, filled with expensive restaurants, cars and much more. In truth, however, he had changed, and not for the better: "I can no longer say what was greater back then: my vanity, my haughtiness or my arrogance? At some point I realized that in reality I had not gained anything, but had lost myself," says the former top manager.
Regain your own creative power
In the updated paperback edition of his best-selling title "Free Yourself!", Exl uses practical examples and concrete exercises to show how to regain your own creative power and lead a truly fulfilled life. Two important laws on the path to liberation are the mirror law and the law of abundance. The first states that everything that happens on the outside is a reflection of the inner state of being. The other states that your own charisma, thoughts and feelings determine what comes back to you. Because if the emotional background does not correspond to the vision, the creative power of the higher self cannot unfold.
Recognize injuries and integrate shadow sides
"The experiment of self-liberation often fails due to one's own inertia and fear, a lack of will and self-discipline," says the author. The spiritual guide therefore calls on people to recognize and forgive injuries, but also to integrate the dark sides. "Today I have reached a point where I have found myself, but above all the self, the life stream that guides everything, on a path that taught me humility. With my book I would like to share these experiences with others," says Exl.
Book tip:
Matthias A. Exl: Free yourself! On the art of a fulfilled life. Mankau Verlag 2018, 9.95 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 203 pages, ISBN 978-3-86374-439-7.
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