Self-confidence instead of fear and violence
Self-confidence instead of fear and violence
“Safe as a Woman” focuses on self-confidence and body awareness in order to prevent or deal with assaults
Advice book author Barbara Reik has been confronted with violence on several occasions herself. From her personal and professional experience, she has developed an “anti-violence emergency kit” that better prepares women for such situations.
Concrete advice for strength and stability
Experiences of violence change our lives negatively if we do not manage to break the spiral of aggression and anger. For this reason, Barbara Reik, a trained Tai Chi trainer and known to a wide audience through lectures, seminars and workshops, focuses on security and joy in life, because this is the only way to reduce or prevent aggression.
Although it was assumed that the 21st century would be a little further along in terms of freedom and security, women have always been confronted - and unfortunately are again now - with old beliefs: women are inferior creatures with whom men can do whatever they want. Barbara Reik herself has managed to use her experience to find a way back to life, a life of joy and trust. With her compact guide "Safe as a Woman" she wants to encourage and convey strength and stability through very specific measures.
Exercises for body and soul
The state-certified trainer for fitness, health and rehabilitation sports recommends first finding inner peace so that you don't block yourself in stressful situations: "In this way, we create the ideal basis for everything that has to do with self-defense, prevention and dealing with a stressful event." With tried and tested exercises for body and soul, body awareness is promoted, good body awareness is conveyed, posture is improved and a calming effect is achieved.
Above all, a secure stance is the basis for healthy self-confidence - "Nothing can knock you over so quickly, and you can act calmly from this secure position," the author knows from her many years of experience with Tai Chi and Qi Gong. A good, upright posture tells the potential attacker that he is dealing with a secure personality. A combination of movement, physical fitness and the ability to react is also ideal. Experience has shown that women who radiate self-assurance, self-confidence and strength are attacked much less often than women who move insecurely and fearfully: "You will convey strength and stability through your self-confident behavior and will not provoke aggression, because you will come across as calming and peaceful without using many words and with a healthy self-confidence."
Tips for emergency cases
If the moment does come when a woman is verbally or physically attacked, it is important to remain calm and confident and to trust in your learned body awareness, fitness and ability to react. However, physical confrontation should only be risked if all other options have been exhausted. "Don't exhaust yourself in strenuous actions if they promise no success! Save your energy and wait for your chance! Then use it uncompromisingly!", the author makes clear. The self-defense techniques described in the book must be learned and practiced in detail in any case.
The best option, however, is still to avoid an attack: "Being able to avoid an attack is half the battle, because you can then flee with all your strength at your disposal! Avoiding is not cowardly, it is smart!" Barbara Reik knows from her own experience how important it is to seek professional help if you have been a victim of violence. In addition to very personal recommendations and answers to the stressful questions that women inevitably ask themselves, the guide contains a number of contact addresses and telephone numbers to help you find the right people to talk to in such a situation.
Book tip:
Barbara Reik: Safe as a woman. Compact guide. How to protect yourself from attacks. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2016, paperback, full color, 127 pages, 7.99 euros (D) / 8.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-299-7.
Event tip:
"Hour for safety" : Barbara Reik (author), Henry Müller / Emil Adler (self-defense experts) and Ahmet Papila (trainer for stress and conflict management) answer questions about the topic "Safe as a woman". Saturday, November 12, 2016, Ballettschule Spieth, Jahnstraße 86, 73037 Göppingen.
Admission is free, donations for the Göppingen women's shelter are requested. (Link Facebook)
Link recommendations:
More information about the compact guide "Safe as a woman"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about the author Barbara Reik
To the Internet forum with the author Barbara Reik