Self-healing through mindful sensing
Self-healing through mindful sensing
Dr. Isa Grüber describes how stress and tension can be resolved using body memory
“ What the body has to say ” is aimed at anyone who suffers from a permanently elevated internal stress level. It also shows conversation-oriented therapists new possibilities as to when and how dialogue with the body can complement and enrich therapy.
Traces of life history
Nervousness and inner tension, sleep disorders, high blood pressure or exam anxiety are problems for many people. The entire history of life, especially traumatic experiences, leaves traces not only in the soul, but also in the body. This is why the body can also show us how we deal with emotions, reduce stress, heal traumatic experiences, understand and change psychosomatic complaints and even mysterious symptoms.
The sinologist and alternative practitioner Dr. phil. Isa Grüber specializes in detecting and resolving emotional tensions in the body. In her book "What the body has to say," which is now being published as a special edition by Mankau Verlag, she shows how this information from the body's memory can be made directly accessible and used. Many examples from her practice describe where these complaints come from and how, through targeted sensing in conjunction with conversations, one can learn to "slow down," find inner peace, and develop a pleasant, comfortable body feeling.
Detecting the trauma in the body
Many people suffer from the consequences of trauma without realizing it. They notice certain symptoms in themselves, but do not connect them with traumas they have experienced. Traumas primarily occur on a physical level. An unprocessed trauma remains bound in the body. It causes chronic overstimulation of the nervous system. This constant internal stress causes many different stress symptoms such as panic attacks, sleep disorders, difficulty concentrating, etc., which do not subside even when the external pressure is removed. "If we understand what happens in the body when there is a trauma and how the nervous system gets out of sync as a result, we can start there and start a healing process through measured sensing and experiencing," says Dr. Isa Grüber from her work in a psychosomatic clinic.
Some people have switched off their body awareness as a protection against overwhelming emotions after previous traumatic experiences. The healing effect of mindful sensing is that the body gradually learns to let go of the tension it has held until now. An inner balance and a feeling of inner peace set in. The body supports this process with its self-healing powers, and it can be helped with this - through mindful sensing.
Using the wisdom of the body
As soon as you consciously feel into your body and ignore the judging mind, your body tells its own truth. This is how you discover the resources in your body itself - beautiful memories, dreams, important values. You can call on these in difficult moments to regain courage and confidence. Consciously feeling makes it easier to let go of fears and worries about the future and to live in the present, because your body is always in the now. You can use your body's wisdom to recognize and understand its messages. How often do we ignore the so-called inner voice or an inner feeling and make the wrong decisions, sometimes with fatal consequences? Mindfulness and good body awareness make it possible to recognize your body's warning signals in good time before it's too late.
With Somatic Experiencing® according to Dr. Peter Levine, a holistic approach to trauma and stress resolution, Dr. Isa Grüber supports her clients in releasing stress energy that has previously been blocked in the body through targeted and mindful sensing and experiencing it as new life force. The goal is not to always be "in a good mood", but rather good self-regulation - that is, learning to regulate the internal stress level through the body and thereby being able to better deal with the completely natural lows in life.
Book tip:
Dr. Isa Grüber: What the body has to say. Holistic health through mindful sensing.
Stress and trauma management with Somatic Experiencing® (SE). Mankau Verlag, 1st edition May 2017 (original edition published in 2013 by Südwest), paperback. 12 x 19 cm, 272 pages, €9.95 (D) / €10.30 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-392-5.
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