Organ check with symbols: Roswitha Stark's new card set provides information on energetic deficits and activates the body's self-healing powers
Organ check with symbols: Roswitha Stark's new card set provides information on energetic deficits and activates the body's self-healing powers
Over 20 years ago, alternative practitioner Roswitha Stark discovered the power of symbols and found that the signs speak their own energetic language and are often even more powerful as a remedy than the classic remedies. Her card set " Energetic Organ Check " offers a selection for all important organ systems and body functions
Our complaints mean well for us
The spiritual world gives us help and advice on our path to healing at every moment, it always means well for us, even if we often don't have that impression. Our complaints, our physical, psychological or situational discomfort are actually meant 'well'. The alternative practitioner and symbol expert Roswitha Stark, who has already published numerous books on the subject of vibration and information medicine, is firmly convinced of this.
Her latest project, " Energetic Organ Check ," once again aims to read the organism's clues and understand its language. 96 colored organ check cards offer a large selection of energetic impulses for the body's most important organs and functions. Every single card and every word or motif was carefully tested in collaboration with the spiritual world and in energetic contact with the affected organ or organ system. The card set also contains eleven cause cards for the automatic balancing and clearing of the deeper causes of illness or discomfort.
The symbolic language of the soul
Symbols carry archetypal, original meaning powers within them. They are energetically very powerful and transmit messages to cells and organs that cannot be understood purely rationally. For the subconscious, however, as the "language of the soul," they contain harmonizing and balancing information in a compressed form. Our brain also thinks very strongly in symbols, as research by neurologists and linguists has shown. These impulses can have a healing effect on all body systems, because energy and information fields also influence our physiology and biochemistry.
The psychologist Carl Gustav Jung (1875–1961) deciphered the symbolic language of the soul like no other. According to Jung, archetypal symbols also address a deeper layer of the human psyche. Symbols are compressed codes and a complex 'language', and the word symbol essentially contains the meaning of "putting something back together". Roswitha Stark knows from her many years of experience that symbols can really reunite something that was previously isolated and separated from one another. This also applies to cell groups and all systems in the body, which are ultimately all connected and dependent on one another.
Practical selection and application options
Of the 96 organ check symbols and eleven cause level symbols, your own subconscious will provide exactly the symbol that is particularly needed at that moment. In addition to intuitively drawing from the stack of cards or selecting from an alphabetical list of organs, there are four test cards available from which the appropriate healing impulses can be selected using a test system.
Energetic test systems such as the finger test, the pendulum or the dowsing rod are very well suited to filtering out the right cards. It is important to know what the healing impulse is to be used for, e.g. for a specific physical concern or as a preventative indication of which organ or body function may not be at its optimum. From an energetic point of view, a diseased system is always an issue of isolation - for example, when cells break away from a network and no longer do their actual job. "Everything is connected to everything else, and it makes sense to recognize, accept and change the affected cause level so that you can become free of symptoms," recommends the expert. A 64-page booklet describes in detail what messages the symbols convey and what different selection and test options are available.
Roswitha Stark: Energetic organ check (card set). 111 symbol cards for health, well-being and vitality . Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2020, set with 96 organ symbol, 11 cause and 4 test cards, card format 79 x 120 mm, colored, 64-page booklet. 27.95 euros (D) / 28.80 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-559-2
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