Living well despite allergies
Living well despite allergies
In their new standard work "The Allergy Bible," pharmacist Dr. Earl Mindell and physician Dr. Pamela Wartian Smith explain possible treatments using both alternative and conventional means. The two experts know from their own experience that many cases of allergies and asthma can be successfully treated simply by making lifestyle and diet changes and by using natural supplements sensibly.
Allergies today as common as common colds
At the beginning of the 20th century, allergies were a mysterious and rare disease that only affected a very small number of people. Today, allergies are as common as a common cold. Millions of people suffer from various food intolerances, and indoor allergies, such as those against dust mites, mold and pets, which were once rare, are increasing at an alarming rate.
Alternative medicine is becoming increasingly popular - also for allergies
More and more allergy sufferers want to reduce their use of strong medication and are turning to alternative methods to treat or effectively prevent their symptoms. Alternative healing methods - from acupuncture to breathing therapy to yoga - that deviate from standard treatment with medication are becoming increasingly popular, especially for chronic complaints.
Valuable information and recommendations in the book
The two experts Mindell and Smith provide a well-founded overview of conventional medical and naturopathic treatments in their new book "The Allergy Bible". The first part of their guide focuses on the causes of allergies. This is followed by easily implementable suggestions for lifestyle changes, whether at home or at work. The third chapter presents allergy treatments, medications, 60 supplements and alternative healing methods such as yoga, acupuncture, hypnotherapy and breathing therapies that alleviate allergy symptoms and provide a high quality of life despite allergies.
Reduce medication and relieve symptoms
"Those with mild allergy symptoms will find that medications can be significantly reduced or may not be needed at all. Those with more severe forms of allergies or asthma may still need conventional medications but should still see a significant improvement in their symptoms," the authors say.
Book tip:
Mindell, Dr. Earl / Smith, Dr. Patricia Wartian: The Allergy Bible. Causes – Symptoms – Treatment. Hardcover, 318 pages, 16.5 x 24 cm, 24.95 euros (D) / 25.70 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-461-8.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide book "The Allergy Bible"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about the author Dr. Patricia Wartian Smith
More about the author Dr. Earl Mindell