Holistic alternatives for osteoarthritis: Compact guide by Dr. Eberhard J. Wormer
Holistic alternatives for osteoarthritis: Compact guide by Dr. Eberhard J. Wormer
Many doctors and patients consider osteoarthritis to be an inevitable “wear and tear” of old age that can only be remedied with surgery and prostheses. However, for most joint problems, exercise and optimal nutritional supply are effective both as a preventative measure and as a treatment.
Active against osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis is often described as a classic sign of aging, as wear and tear on the joints affects everyone, and around one in five people experience pain and restricted mobility. Although the causes are still unclear and there is no real cure, the mysterious cartilage wear and tear has a lot to do with today's lifestyle. According to medical journalist and guidebook author Dr. Eberhard J. Wormer, the key to solving the problem lies in prevention: "Be active. Do something to protect yourself from osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is by no means inevitable!"
In his new compact guide "Arthrosis" he explains how arthrosis develops, how it can be recognized and how it can be avoided. With the right exercise program, a healthy, wholesome diet, optimal nutrient supply and more composure, you are on the best way to prevent joint problems. Current studies show that the remedies presented in this book can effectively protect against joint pain and mobility restrictions caused by arthrosis.
Symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis
In osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, the joint cartilage wears down and loses its shock-absorbing function. Typical signs are softening, cracks and fragmentation in the joint cartilage. Later, the bone substance beneath the cartilage surface becomes denser. Bone cysts and bony growths develop on the edges of the joint. Eventually, the joint bones become bare and rub against each other.
Osteoarthritis is the most widespread pathological disorder of the musculoskeletal system. It is also the most common joint disease of all today: every second woman and a third of all men over 60 are affected by cartilage loss - often causing pain and restricted mobility. The causes of osteoarthritis remain a mystery - but we know that many factors contribute to its development. Modern medicine has made amazing progress in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases in recent decades. The spectrum ranges from injections into the joint capsule to total joint replacement.
What has been overlooked are the numerous ways to effectively prevent arthrosis. "Although new hips and new knees are very fashionable, you should not underestimate the risks of such an operation and you should not overestimate the possibilities of orthopedic biotechnology," advises Dr. Wormer. In any case, the better way is to prevent arthrosis early or to treat symptoms conservatively rather than speculating on a joint prosthesis.
Prevention and self-help
There is a persistent rumor among the general public and many doctors that osteoarthritis is inevitable in old age and that there is little that can be done about it. However, a healthy lifestyle with plenty of exercise and a healthy diet helps to protect yourself against joint problems in the long term. Standing for long periods or placing weight on the knee and hip joints promotes cartilage degradation. This also explains the success of preventative training of physiological joint movement, which improves cartilage nutrition and protects against osteoarthritis. If you incorporate an appropriate and performance-based exercise program into your daily routine, you can prevent obesity and joint problems, ensure muscle fitness and effectively protect yourself against injuries. The health effects of targeted stress reduction through concentration and relaxation exercises should not be underestimated.
Nutritional factors, vitamins and minerals, functional foods and cartilage building material supplements also play an important role in joint protection and cartilage regeneration. Since inflammation is involved in the development of osteoarthritis, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients are very important in the diet.
The compact guide presents the best and most effective offers. The selection is limited to what those affected can do themselves in any case: "Real do-it-yourself medicine with no side effects!", as the author calls it. Because if you take care of the health of your bones and joints in good time, you have a good chance of being spared from problems.
Book tip:
Dr. med Eberhard J. Wormer: Osteoarthritis (compact guide). Prevention and self-help for joint pain. Mankau Verlag 2018, paperback, full color, 11.5 x 16.5 cm, 127 pages, 8.99 euros (D) / 9.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-468-7.
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