Eating and enjoying in harmony with nature
Eating and enjoying in harmony with nature
Nobel Prize in Medicine for research into the internal clock
Are you an early riser, a "lark", or do you consider yourself an owl, a night owl? Our "internal clocks" tick differently from individual to individual, but like all living creatures and plants, we humans are subject to the laws of biorhythm, the alternation of day/night and the seasons. The outstanding importance of the so-called circadian clock has now been proven by three American scientists and honored with the Nobel Prize for Medicine.
Rules of nature
The 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine honors Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael W. Young for their research into the circadian clock, which links life to the rotation of the earth. Every living creature, from bacteria to plants and animals to humans, carries this day-night clock within itself; it is controlled by special genes within the cells. The internal clock determines our biorhythm, makes us wide awake in the morning and tired in the evening, and influences our mood through the release of hormones. The circadian clock also regulates a multitude of metabolic processes: it controls appetite and hunger, helps to provide energy and influences health and well-being.
Cooking and eating according to your biorhythm
A modern, conscious diet must follow these biorhythmic processes. That is why biorhythm cuisine distinguishes between morning people (larks) and night owls (owls) and gives recommendations as to which meal is best at which time of day. The choice of food follows the organ clock so that the balance of protein, carbohydrates, fat and bioactive substances is correct. And because our organism also follows the seasons, only seasonal and predominantly regional foods are recommended for biorhythmic nutrition.
Book tip:
Dr. Barbara Rias-Bucher: The Biorhythm Kitchen. Seasonal nutrition in harmony with your internal clock. With over 100 intelligent recipes. Mankau Verlag 2016, paperback, color, 16 x 22 cm, 222 pages, €17.95 (D) / €18.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-278-2.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide "The Biorhythm Kitchen"
More about Dr. Barbara Rias-Bucher