A year in which everything was different: The revised new edition of “Rituals in the Year” uses the current situation to create a changed awareness
A year in which everything was different: The revised new edition of “Rituals in the Year” uses the current situation to create a changed awareness
At the eight elementary stations of the annual cycle festivals, Roswitha Stark shows how new levels of consciousness can be reached with the help of rituals. The aim of the revised new edition of her book " Rituals in the Annual Cycle " is a new, mindful and holistic approach to ourselves and our environment - and thus the creation of universal healing energies for the benefit of all.
Creating good and light
The 7,000 copies of the first edition of Roswitha Stark's "Rituals in the Yearly Cycle" are completely sold out. But the book, which combines powerful rituals and meditations from the Celtic and Germanic traditions, is not a normal guidebook like many that are now available. According to the well-known expert in energy medicine, it is rather "a book that describes how you, alone or with your group, can create even more good and light from the full power of your consciousness. Something that has the power to create something great, something that is sustainable and strong enough to change the earth for the benefit of all living beings."
In October 2020, the year in which everything was suddenly different - where life was paralyzed, but space was also created for reflection and new beginnings - the completely revised and updated new edition will be published and promises nothing less than healing for soul, body and earth. With the help of the eight elementary stations in the annual cycle, it deals with not only individual but also global issues such as environmental pollution, wars, aggression, greed, abuse of power and exploitation and harmonizes them using the means of focused energy work.
Rituals for the good of the world
The traditional customs, ceremonies and festivals during the year bring us into the world of the Celts, Germanic tribes, Maya, Indians and other cultures of the world, into the sound of reverence, mindfulness and love. While these peoples still embedded their ideas in everyday life, dealing with natural processes is something special for "civilized" people. Unlike in the traditions, we use customs, rituals and ceremonies to escape from everyday life and thereby recharge our batteries.
But there are always two sides to it: rituals can be used for the benefit of everything that exists and to heal the earth - and thus ourselves - and to help us achieve more peace and happiness. Or they can be abused to push ourselves to the forefront, to enrich ourselves, to have more power and to consolidate control over others - including our earth. Therefore, according to Roswitha Stark, each and every one of us is required to recognize and heal our own deeply hidden greedy, destructive, power-obsessed, exploitative and ruthless side. "Only then, or at least parallel to this personal process, can we heal the earth, our wonderful and unique home planet."
Healing the Earth
Since Roswitha Stark's healing focus for twenty years has been working with subtle energies and healing symbols, she has developed a special geometry in the form of a crystal card for the summer and winter solstices, the spring and autumn equinoxes , Samhain (All Saints Day), Lughnasad (Reaper's Festival), Imbolc (Candlemas) and Beltane (Walpurgis), which accompanies the entire ritual process very powerfully with its healing energies.
Celebrating earth healing rituals in the rhythm and circular course of life means honoring life itself as a manifestation of divine being, including all creatures that this creation has produced. In every ritual, strong energies flow because thoughts are focused and can become carriers of light and love. Resonances immediately arise with other creatures or with the living beings with whom we want to come into healing contact. It does not matter whether the Gregorian calendar is used as a reference, a church festival such as Easter or Christmas is celebrated, or someone is so familiar with the Mayan mystery that its calendar rhythms form the framework. The important thing is the intention, free from any know-it-all attitude and manipulation, to pursue the goal of promoting a holistic understanding of the world and ending the abuse of nature so that all creatures can live together in peace.
Roswitha Stark: Rituals in the annual cycle. Harmonization and self-healing in the rhythm of nature. With powerful symbols and soul meditations. Mankau Verlag, 2nd completely revised edition 2020, paperback, format 16 x 22 cm, color, 207 pages. 15.95 euros (D) / 16.40 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-573-8
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