The colors of the cosmos and the soul
The colors of the cosmos and the soul
“ Healing with Cosmic Colors ” is a workbook for self-knowledge and promoting inner balance
In his new book , Thomas Künne brings together findings from various areas of science and culture to create a compact guide to the practical expansion of self-perception. The basis is the principle of the "Cosmic Octave," which combines astronomical and musical formulas and also brings colors to a common denominator.
The healing effects of colours have always been known
Healing with colors is considered one of the oldest treatment methods known to mankind. Over time, it has been observed that different colors can each have a specific healing effect. While in ancient times they were still considered basic elements of a comprehensive natural philosophy, since the end of the Middle Ages colors have become the subject of the newly emerging natural sciences. Physicists, chemists, biologists, and later psychologists and geneticists have tried to track down colors using analytical methods. In the many existing color theories, however, the reasons why colors have this or that effect have remained largely unclear.
As a continuation of his previous work on the healing effects of planetary vibrations, the well-known tuning fork therapist is expanding his approach from the audible to the visible realm. For Hans Cousto, discoverer of the "Cosmic Octave" and co-author of the book "Healing Frequencies", Thomas Künne has "not only presented a book, but created a tool with which one can work freely and experimentally in cosmic harmony in order to learn more about oneself and how one can use these experiences to do something for one's well-being and health - up to well-being at the highest level in universal harmony."
Everything is vibration, vibration is everything
As the author of almost thirty successful books, a consulting astrologer and a sought-after speaker, Thomas Künne has found his life's work in supporting and accompanying people on their path to activating their inner healer and self-healing powers. Accordingly, the healing planetary vibrations offer everything "to achieve mindful peace and harmony with ourselves, with our environment, with all of creation."
The gentle and lively healing method with cosmic colors presented in his current work offers a "harmonious" addition or alternative to the tuning fork method with planetary frequencies and helps to be, become or remain vital, balanced and healthy. The extension of the principle of cosmic harmony enables the orbital periods of the planets to be transposed into the hearing range as well as the visual range of people. Cosmic color vibrations are (inner) energies and forces that can lead the individual into resonance with their already conscious or still unconscious inner parts of their being. They correspond to the archetypal vibrations of the planetary forces, which means in concrete terms: Each planet stands for certain characteristics, and those who resonate with the corresponding planetary colors can make use of this power.
In resonance with the planetary colors
For us humans, these cosmic-objective colors are not "directly" visible. This means that the corresponding planet does not shine in the calculated color. However, we can perceive them with our "inner eyes", with every cell in our body. However, these cosmic-objective colors cannot be described with subjective, earthly words or color theories; all comparisons are doomed to failure.
Rather, the cosmic-objective colors correspond to the colors of our soul. In analogy to our inner parts, the archetypes, they represent parts of our being that we can experience in abundance, in deficiency, or in a balanced state: "Knowing the connections between cosmic colors and (inner) archetypes helps us to skillfully and consciously improve our quality of life and spiritual harmony in everyday life."
The practical part of the book offers intuitive as well as rational approaches to the harmonious cosmic colors that are important in a certain phase of life to promote well-being. Using the eleven included color charts of the sun, Mercury, Venus, moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and earth (OM), it is possible to resonate with the cosmic archetypes and the individual inner "soul colors".
Book tip:
Thomas Künne: Healing with cosmic colors. Harmonious color applications for health and well-being. With 11 color plates. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2017, paperback with 11 cardboard color plates, full color, 159 pages, 20 euros (D) / 20.60 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-352-9.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide "Healing with cosmic colours"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about Thomas Künne
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