“Whether you believe in it or not – the symbolic means will work in any case!”
“Whether you believe in it or not – the symbolic means will work in any case!”
Interview with the alternative practitioner Roswitha Stark and Christina Baumann , trainer for holistic-energetic healing methods, about "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy"
"For decades we have achieved amazing healing successes with the use of signs and symbols. With the 'Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy' we now provide symbolic remedies for the 70 most well-known homeopathic remedies , the information content of which goes far beyond pure appearance and analytical consideration. They contain both the essence of the underlying substance and a multiple of its information. We have also developed 31 new vibrational remedies that will prove their worth in the treatment of our 'diseases of civilization'." In the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy", Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark provide homeopathic remedies coded in symbol form that "convey the entire spectrum of the remedy as well as the essence of the original substance and thus optimally activate the self-healing powers on all levels."
In the area of alternative healing methods, there are more and more examples of how success can be achieved without the use of any physical substances. Which methods are particularly effective and what is their common principle?
Roswitha Stark: Hahnemann's classical homeopathy has already shown that it is not necessarily physical substances that are particularly effective. We have over 200 years of experience in this area. The highly diluted or highly potentized remedies in particular have an effect on all levels - body, soul and spirit - although from a material-chemical point of view there is often no "substance" to be found here, at least not with today's research methods. The approaches of quantum physics show us clearly that non-material information does have an effect, whether it is transmitted in the form of colors, symbols, numbers, words or sound. The effective forces of all these alternative medicine methods are pure energy, vibration and information.
You have been researching the healing effects of signs and symbols for many years and have achieved amazing success with people, animals and plants. What motivates you to keep expanding your horizons?
Christina Baumann: The good results of the last 20 years, especially with children, animals and plants, who responded very well to this type of information medicine - free from doubt and without being influenced by promises of effectiveness - have motivated and encouraged us to keep going in this direction. We couldn't even speak of a placebo effect here. It is very gratifying to see that with certain signs and symbols we have a harmless type of medicine at our disposal that is nevertheless very effective. We have continuously expanded its areas of application over many years. Time does not stand still and we are already looking forward to new findings that are also brought to us by many users.
The “Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy” goes far beyond “Classical Homeopathy” by translating its material remedies into symbolic ones. How should we imagine this in concrete terms?
Roswitha Stark: Ultimately, everything that we perceive as material, i.e. as "solid" matter, is based on vibrational energy and information. However, most people cannot perceive this with their senses, just as we cannot perceive the information content of the well-known globules or the complete color spectrum of white light. Our senses are simply too limited here. Beyond our senses, everything vibrates at different speeds and frequencies. The frequency of colors or sounds, for example, has been calculated in Hertz (hz). The same could be done with symbols, although here we tend to test which sign or symbol fits which symptom pattern based on body reactions. A symbol is a very complex matter in terms of information, and its information content goes far beyond pure appearance and analytical consideration. The homeopathic symbols therefore contain the essence of the underlying substance on the one hand, but on the other hand far more energetic information content.
The treatment options using the symbols presented in your book can also be combined with other forms of therapy. For which complaints is a combination recommended? When is it not advisable?
Christina Baumann: As with sound or color therapy, this is about information medicine, which can basically be used for all complaints. You should test it out as individually as possible, for example with a muscle test, with a rod or pendulum, or rely on your intuition when making your selection. The application should be seen as an accompanying measure and not as a replacement for medically necessary treatment. The symbols can actually be used alongside all other therapies, even together with the classic beads.
“Classical homeopathy” already knows about high potencies, which also have an effect on the mental and emotional areas in ways that are still unknown. What is the difference between this potentiation and a symbolic coding?
Christina Baumann: The symbolic coding cannot actually be directly compared with the potentiation of classical homeopathy. A symbol works multidimensionally, on several levels. We use the mental imagination to amplify its effect, which theoretically can be done to infinity. The mind is not limited in any way, unlike matter, and so we are mentally able to transfer even potencies that are not normally available into the symbolic remedy.
In addition to the 70 classic homeopathic remedies, you also offer 31 previously unavailable substances as vibrational remedies. What are they and what is their special significance?
Roswitha Stark: These are the 20 most important amino acids. They are the basic building blocks of our proteins and are therefore essential to life. They have become immensely important as nutritional supplements in recent years, and we have carried out a number of experiments with them in the context of information medicine, which are very promising. Together with the harmonious spiritual potentiation, they have immense potential for the entire field of energetic-spiritual healing. Since we received the substances that were to be encoded in the form of symbols spiritually, there are also some very special symbols, such as earth, enzymes, bacteria or fungi. All of them are very useful for all types of "diseases of civilization".
Like the "real" homeopathic remedy, the "symbol remedy" resonates with the physical, emotional or mental issue in order to strengthen the body's self-healing powers. How do I find the right material or symbolic remedy for this issue?
Christina Baumann: Either simply by looking up the complaints in the index or purely intuitively by testing using the table in the book or the enclosed poster. Or even by opening the book intuitively if you have enough trust in your inner spiritual guidance. The book is deliberately simple and clear so that everyone will quickly find the right symbol for their problem.
The homeopathic symbol series in your book was created intuitively through deep connection, mindfulness and appreciation for the underlying substances. Is this a necessary prerequisite for practical application?
Roswitha Stark: Not necessarily, the remedies work either way! However, it is helpful to use them without doubt, resistance or even rejection, because this opens up the entire body-soul-spirit organism; and opening yourself devotedly to the symbolic beings will support their effect. As I said, children, animals and plants show us this clearly, and we adults can still learn a lot from them when it comes to trusting in our own self-healing powers.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Homeopathic symbol pharmacy. 101 vibrational remedies for immediate use . With enclosed A2 poster. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2017. Paperback, full color, 16 x 22 cm, 222 pages, €19.90 (D) / €20.50 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-400-7.
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