Interview with Maria Lohmann: "All women are very closely connected to the inherent rhythm of nature"
Interview with Maria Lohmann: "All women are very closely connected to the inherent rhythm of nature"
"From menstruation to menopause and beyond - natural medicine has the right remedies for every stage of life." Maria Lohmann is a naturopath, successful author (including the guide "Natural Medicine for Women" ) and runs a naturopathic practice in Munich. In the following interview, she explains why natural medicine is so ideal for women.
In your new compact guide, you write that natural medicine is ideal for women because, by its nature, it knows no boundaries between body, mind and soul. What is special about women's health?
Maria Lohmann: All women are very closely connected to nature's own rhythm, without perhaps always being aware of it. Every phase of a woman's life is accompanied by hormonal changes that affect the interplay between hormones, the nervous system and the psyche. These female control circuits are a delicate and sensitive system. Natural medicine is ideal for regulating and harmonizing this inner system with its unique energies.
For a woman, every major phase of life is accompanied by a more or less significant hormonal change. What symptoms are typical for each phase of a woman's life?
Maria Lohmann: Every era has its own peculiarities. Modern life can cause hormones to become unbalanced - with a variety of consequences for the female body. Today, the professional and private pressures women face, often perceived as a constant rush, can have fatal effects on the whole body. This constant stress triggers unhealthy biochemical and hormonal processes - with a variety of consequences, including premenstrual syndrome (PMS), fertility problems, exhaustion, sleep disorders, herpes, headaches and migraines, obesity and digestive problems such as irritable bowel symptoms. In addition, long-term use of the "pill" puts a strain on the micronutrient balance and the liver, as it is through these that hormones are broken down.
Due to the hormonal changes during menopause, the metabolism slows down and the calorie requirement falls. For example, women over 50 need more high-quality protein to support cell and tissue repair in the body.
Conclusion: For all stages of life we need a holistic approach or holistic medicine, as I present it in the book.
In these times, special demands are placed on the body, mind and soul, which can be easily met with natural medicine. What types of therapy are available and how do they work?
Maria Lohmann: Natural medicine provides reliable help for more than 40 of the most common women's complaints, such as menstrual disorders, complaints related to the cycle, myomas, migraines, menopause, bladder problems, exhaustion and lack of energy, hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism, and much more. From the wealth of nature, we have medicinal plants, special women's herbs and phytohormones, homeopathy, Bach flowers, oils and flowers at our disposal. There are also numerous solutions for better nutrition, more relaxation and hormonal balance.
With the book, women get to know their bodies better, understand energetic and hormonal connections and receive valuable information and tips on lifestyle and self-help. The book is intended to help women feel comfortable and value their femininity.
Much more than men, women's physiological processes remain naturally connected to the rhythms of nature. Why is it that in our modern times this close connection is increasingly lost?
Maria Lohmann: Our society is characterized by high speed and demands. Women in particular have a tight schedule in their daily lives and want to do everything perfectly. The connection to nature is often lost in the process. Nowadays, women are expected to be successful in their careers, as well as being caring mothers, family managers, athletic and good-looking. The main culprit is the stress hormone cortisol. When under stress, the body releases adrenaline. The body's biochemistry gets out of control. Natural medicine helps to restore physical and mental balance.
Many women also suffer from typical menopausal symptoms such as mood swings, hot flashes or sweating. What therapies can help regulate and alleviate these symptoms?
Maria Lohmann: A woman can deal with the menopause better if she knows exactly what is happening in her body. Certain herbs, medicinal plants, phytohormones and remedies make the menopause easier. Hormones not only determine our behavior and well-being - but also our resilience and our energy levels. The healing power of natural, wholesome nutrition plays an important role here.
Medicinal plant science or phytotherapy is one of the oldest forms of treatment. Even today it is considered the most important natural healing method for women. What is the reason for this?
Maria Lohmann: The knowledge of the natural power of plants has traditionally been in women's hands and has been passed down from one generation to the next. Even today, herbal medicine is an important natural healing method for women. Women's herbs help regulate hormonal balance. There are progesterone plants (progesterone plays the main role in the second half of the cycle) and plants with an estrogen-like effect.
Further examples: Lady's mantle is a universal female plant that regulates hormonal balance and the menstrual cycle. Milk thistle is a liver-strengthening medicinal plant with a positive effect on hormonal balance. There are also plants that inhibit excessive sweating and have a special effect on the female body in midlife.
"Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants, which, as fragrances, have a beneficial effect on the body, mind and soul. Why is this healing method so suitable for treating women's problems?
Maria Lohmann: Aromatherapy uses essential oils extracted from plants, which, as fragrances, have a beneficial effect on the body, mind and soul. There are many ways of using them: as a bath additive, body oil, inhalation or in a fragrance lamp. This is a solution for natural and successful self-regulation. Often there are only tiny adjustment screws that a woman can easily turn - this book reveals how. This practical book is a little treasure for every woman.
What should women pay particular attention to if they want to treat their complaints with natural medicine?
Maria Lohmann: This should best be done in consultation with the gynecologist. Every woman should also have her gynecologist for preventive examinations every year. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are special medical times. All naturopathic procedures and self-treatment should be discussed with the doctor or midwife beforehand.
You write about the secret power of hormones …
Maria Lohmann: Hormones control all important processes in the body: They regulate metabolism and influence well-being. Hormones are the secret rulers of our bodily functions. If we understand how hormones work, we can enjoy being women in all situations in life - completely naturally. From menstruation to menopause and beyond - natural medicine has the right remedies for every stage of life.
Book tip:
Maria Lohmann: Natural medicine for women. Compact guide - Treating female complaints gently and effectively - Health and well-being in every phase of life - Medicinal herbs, homeopathy, Bach flowers, aromatherapy and much more. Mankau Verlag 2019, paperback 11.5 x 16.5 cm, full color, 126 pages, 8.99 euros (D) / 9.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-515-8.
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