Interview with pharmacists Susanne Hofmann and Alexander Ehrmann: “We are well on our way to putting hemp in the right light!”
Interview with pharmacists Susanne Hofmann and Alexander Ehrmann: “We are well on our way to putting hemp in the right light!”
"For many decades, hemp was viewed as a drug and discredited. The intoxicating effect of its ingredient THC is, however, only one aspect of this ancient cultivated plant. It contains over 50 substances with proven medicinal properties, of which cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is particularly noteworthy. The special interaction of its various ingredients makes hemp a unique medicinal plant and a powerful natural medicine." The two experienced pharmacists Mag. pharm. Susanne Hofmann and Mag. pharm. Alexander Ehrmann , authors of the compact guide " CBD - the rediscovered natural medicine ", span the spectrum from traditional healing knowledge to well-founded modern science and explain the diverse applications of cannabidiol, which provides relief from pain, anxiety and sleep disorders, skin problems and stress, among other things.
Hemp products and the corresponding advice literature are currently very popular. What is special about your new compact guide to CBD?
Mag. Susanne Hofmann: In our guide, we have clearly focused on the scientific background of the medicinal plant. It was important to us to make it clear that the hemp plant is not a lifestyle product, but has an enormously broad spectrum of medicinal effects. We also want to draw attention to the fact that - in addition to the many positive properties - there can also be interactions and even contraindications when using it.
Hemp is an ancient, but forgotten and discredited medicinal plant. Why is that and how can we describe the current situation?
Mag. Alexander Ehrmann: Hemp in all its complexity is known and popular primarily for its ingredient THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and its psychoactive effects. If you look at the historical development, you can see that the politically motivated ban in the 1920s and 1930s led to hemp being portrayed only as a drug. It was not until the mid-1960s that scientists were able to begin researching and better understanding hemp in its entirety, also due to technological progress. However, the myth of the drug still hangs over the medicinal plant like the sword of Damocles. From a medical point of view, we are on the right track to putting hemp and especially its ingredient CBD (cannabidiol) in the right light, although a lot of convincing work still needs to be done with the legal decision-makers.
Around 600 chemical compounds have been researched in various types of cannabis over the last 60 years, more than 50 of which have proven medicinal properties. What are the most important ingredients and how do they work?
Mag. Ehrmann: Cannabinoids such as THC and CBD are clearly the most important and best-researched ingredients of the hemp plant. Among other things, they are able to activate the body's own receptors, which play a role in pain relief or inflammation, for example. In addition to the cannabinoids, it is above all the terpenes that make the hemp plant suitable for many illnesses due to their synergistic effect. Terpenes are substances that we also know from aromatherapy. They are responsible for the smell of the respective plants and, in addition to this scent effect, also have a variety of therapeutic effects. Using the entire hemp plant creates a unique effect that we also call the "entourage effect": the interaction of the most diverse ingredients brings a positive benefit in terms of effectiveness.
For many (civilization) diseases, CBD can be a positive addition to conventional medicine, in some cases CBD even represents a real alternative. For example, which complaints can be successfully treated with cannabidiol?
Mag. Ehrmann: The best studies and the best results of CBD treatment are shown in the use of epilepsy. However, a doctor must carefully coordinate the medication and the CBD product. In our pharmacy practice, we see a great benefit from taking CBD, especially in patients with skin problems, but also in those with sleep disorders or stress.
From oils, seeds, teas to smokable liquid and capsules – the range of CBD products is constantly growing. What are the differences between the individual dosage forms and what should consumers pay particular attention to?
Mag. Hofmann: The differences between the individual dosage forms lie in the bioavailability, i.e. how much is actually absorbed by the body, and in the duration of the effect. Which product is suitable for which complaint should always be clarified by a specialist. It is also always important to ensure that the active ingredients are adequately declared. You should definitely stay away from products that do not list the ingredients or the amounts of these.
The use of CBD products is generally considered safe and has few side effects. However, there are interactions and side effects when combined with medication. What are these and who should avoid taking them?
Mag. Hofmann: CBD products are a clear contraindication for children and adolescents as well as pregnant women. Self-medication with CBD is definitely not recommended in these cases. There are simply too few studies and long-term investigations for this patient group! Patients who take certain antidepressants, blood thinners or antibiotics should also discuss possible interactions with their doctor or pharmacist. This can lead to an unwanted reduction, increase or prolongation of the medication's effect.
The popularity of CBD has not only been evident in human medicine in recent years, but has also found its way into veterinary medicine. How can (pet) animals benefit from its effects?
Mag. Ehrmann: In veterinary medicine, CBD products can be used for very similar complaints to those in humans. Nervous animals in particular benefit immensely from CBD administration. However, it is important to ensure that the products are tailored to the animal. Cats, for example, do not tolerate all products and, if used incorrectly, can cause more harm than good in the long term. It is also important to ensure that the animals are adequately dosed. Less is definitely more here.
For decades there has been debate about the comprehensive legalization of hemp both as a medicinal product and as a recreational drug. How do you assess this debate from a pharmaceutical perspective?
Mag. Hofmann: From a scientific point of view, a controlled medical use of hemp products is certainly to be supported. However, clear regulations are definitely needed. At the moment, CBD products are in a legal grey area. In our view, this gap must be closed as quickly as possible.
Book tip:
Mag. pharm. Susanne Ehrmann / Mag. pharm. Alexander Ehrmann: CBD - the rediscovered natural medicine. What cannabidiol can do and how it is used correctly for pain, stress and sleep disorders, among other things. With extra: CBD oil for animals. Compact guide. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2020, flap brochure 11.5 x 16.5 cm, color, 126 pages, 9.99 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-560-8
Link recommendations:
More information about the compact guide “CBD – the rediscovered natural medicine”
To the reading sample of the compact guide “CBD – the rediscovered natural medicine”
More about author Mag. pharm. Susanne Hofmann
More about author Mag. pharm. Alexander Ehrmann
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