Interview with Bianka Maria Seidl: “You will feel richly rewarded at the end!”
Interview with Bianka Maria Seidl: “You will feel richly rewarded at the end!”
"Our ancestors often had to bear burdens that they passed on to us, but they also developed great strengths. These strengths are their gifts to us. We can draw on them as inner resources and thus master our lives more easily. In the best case, a descendant understands these gifts as tasks; then they show them the way to their destiny and they receive orientation about their further development. Shamanic ancestral work brings all of this to light, so that on the one hand there can be liberation from the limiting burdens and at the same time an orientation towards the meaning of life and one's own life purpose becomes possible." Bianka Maria Seidl , author of the book and audio guide " Shamanic Ancestral Work ", supports people in freeing themselves from the limiting programs of their familial and genetic conditioning, awakening the power of renewal within themselves and mastering all of life's challenges with the support of their ancestors.
Your book and the audio guide of the same name, "Shamanic Ancestral Work," are dedicated to a tradition that had long disappeared from the consciousness of modern man. Why is it important to turn to this area of life today?
Bianka Maria Seidl: We are in the midst of a turning point in history, which is accompanied by major upheavals and transformations in all areas of our lives. What was once considered safe is no longer viable, and so many people feel very insecure, are disorientated and are vulnerable to negative influences and manipulation from outside. Many people lack stability and inner security because, due to developments in the past centuries, we have lost sight of our foundation in life, our roots. By turning back to our origins and clarifying these connections, we strengthen our foundation and thus gain inner strength. Through the gifts of our ancestors, their strengths, we experience an increase in inner resources. In this way, with the support of our ancestors, we are able to master life with all its great challenges.
You work as a freelance architect in the field of energetic architecture and run your own consulting practice in which you offer mentoring programs, coaching, meditations and guided inner journeys. What would you describe as the motivation and goal of your work?
Bianka Maria Seidl: The motive behind my work is my spiritual development. With this work, I am following an inner calling that comes from my soul. As someone who has been uprooted since childhood, I spent many years searching for my identity. It was only when I began to turn to my origins that I was richly rewarded. Here I was able to free myself from previously insoluble blockages and in this way found my destiny. With this book, I am already fulfilling one of my important tasks. While I was writing, the goal of this work revealed itself to me in the form of a vision while I was running in the forest. In a moment when it seemed as if time had stood still, I could see the bigger picture in my mind's eye. So I realized that it is about bringing shamanic ancestral work into people's consciousness on a broad level, so that it is recognized as a deepening and expansion of the systemic family constellation according to Bert Hellinger and enables many people to achieve profound and beneficial further development in both the personal and spiritual areas - for a freer, more authentic and, above all, more fulfilled life and humanity.
In the shamanic traditions of Asia and Africa, the veneration of ancestors is still part of everyday life, and even in modern approaches such as systemic family constellations, the connection to ancestors plays an important role. Where do you see the interface between tradition and science here?
Bianka Maria Seidl: The exciting thing is that we in the Western world have lost sight of our ancestors since the emergence of science in the 17th century - and that modern science is now bringing us closer to our ancestors again. The results of research in epigenetics show that the experiences of our ancestors are passed on and have an effect for up to four generations. This confirms what has been known in shamanic traditions for thousands of years. Science is developing beyond its materialistic understanding of the world and is moving closer to the spiritual, to spirituality. Here the boundaries that the mind once drew are blurring. The old paradigm is slowly dissolving, and the new paradigm includes the recognition of the spiritual as the basis of existence and consciousness. Max Planck had already recognized this when he once said: "There is no matter, only a web of energies given form by intelligent spirit. This spirit is the original source of all matter.” This further development of consciousness helps us to recognize that everything in creation communicates with each other and that we can communicate with the entire creation through the spirit – both in this world and in the next.
Our ancestors can pass on to us not only their strengths and talents but also their pain, hardships and illnesses. What risks and potential are there in this inheritance, and how can we specifically benefit from it?
Bianka Maria Seidl: Starting with the painful experiences, there is the risk that we are not aware of this legacy. If, for example, the experience of loss of our ancestors, who lost everything they owned in a war, is stored in us, then this influences our attitude towards possessions. It may be that someone who carries such a legacy does not dare to build something for themselves. Instead, this person will withdraw, not develop their potential and perhaps lead a life far below their actual level. In the worst case, this person will feel like a loser because they do not know that they have stored the enormous experience of loss of their ancestors in their genes. Such a burdening legacy can also affect the areas of relationships, wealth and even health.
The potential of this heritage is that the generations over the last 250 years have developed great strengths as a result of their often difficult experiences. These strengths are their gifts to us. We can draw on them as inner resources and thus master our lives more easily. In the best case, a descendant understands these gifts as tasks and fulfils them. Then they show them the way to their destiny and they experience greater clarity and orientation about their further development path. Shamanic ancestral work brings all of this to light, so that on the one hand, liberation from limiting burdens can occur and at the same time, an orientation towards the meaning of life and one's own life purpose becomes possible.
The supplementary audio CD contains guided inner journeys accompanied by drums to experience the encounter with the ancestors in practical work. What conditions must be met for this communication to succeed?
Bianka Maria Seidl: In order for communication with the ancestors to be successful, it is first necessary to let go of ideas about how it should be. This is because this communication is different from how we humans communicate with each other. It also requires a relaxed body and the mind can rest because it cannot have a say. It is important to open up to this contact, to allow it and to perceive what is happening in an attitude of open receptivity. Without judging it. This communication is usually of an energetic nature and takes place through the body. Different physical sensations arise. If we go deeper, inner images and feelings may arise. It is an intuitive understanding, and the more we remove our personality with its ideas, its desires and its control from the way, the clearer the communication with our ancestors becomes.
In your book you also describe some case studies from the practice of ancestral constellations. What experiences have you had with your clients and what do you recommend to interested readers who want to reconcile with their ancestors in this way?
Bianka Maria Seidl: I have done a lot of constellations over the past ten years. One thing has almost always been evident: people feel richly rewarded at the end. They came with the intention of freeing themselves of burdens and have received much more than that. They experience the connection with their ancestors as an enormous strengthening. Afterwards they feel clearer, more at peace with themselves and gifted with the wonderful gifts of their ancestors. People who are ready for this recognize these gifts as tasks and fulfill them. In order to bring what they have read into experience, I recommend that interested readers start with the exercises in the book, choose the ones that appeal to them and then have their first experiences. In the next step, they can then take the journeys included in the audio guide and deepen their previous experiences. For those who feel that they are carrying burdens from several generations and cannot free themselves from them alone, I recommend contacting me for an ancestral constellation of their last seven generations. In more difficult cases, professional support is often needed.
Book tip:
Bianka Maria Seidl: Shamanic ancestral work. This is how we reconcile with our ancestors, experience their support and receive their groundbreaking gifts. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2021, paperback, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 206 pages, 18.95 euros (D) / 19.50 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-644-5
CD tip:
Bianka Maria Seidl: Shamanic ancestral work - guided journeys with drum accompaniment. This is how we make peace with our ancestors and receive their groundbreaking gifts. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition November 2021, 1 audio CD in a jewel case, 8-page booklet, running time approx. 59 minutes, RRP 14.95 euros (D/A), ISBN 978-3-86374-647-6
Link recommendations:
More information about the book “Shamanic Ancestral Work”
To the reading sample in PDF format
More information about the audio guide “Shamanic Ancestral Work: Guided Journeys with Drum Accompaniment”
More about the author Bianka Maria Seidl
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