Healing with signs and symbols: “More and a ‘sea’ of possibilities.” Interview with Roswitha Stark
Healing with signs and symbols: “More and a ‘sea’ of possibilities.” Interview with Roswitha Stark
"We look back on 20 years of 'Medicine to Paint on' and so much has happened! During this time we have been able to gain a lot of new, groundbreaking practical experience and discover amazing application possibilities. Healing with barcodes and symbols is a diverse and comprehensive form of consciousness work and is used successfully by numerous therapists and lay users, whether for individual concerns or complaints, for children, animals or plants, in family constellations, for room de-cluttering... A veritable sea of possibilities is opening up for us!" Roswitha Stark , who published the best-selling series "Medicine to Paint on" together with Petra Neumayer, combines the valuable knowledge from the first two volumes in her new book " Medicine to Paint on - The Basic Book of New Homeopathy " and expands it with numerous new suggestions, tried and tested practical tips and inspiring application possibilities.
The first volume of the bestselling series “Medicine to Paint on” was published almost two decades ago. What has happened in the field of New Homeopathy since then, and what motivated you to publish this comprehensive basic book?
Roswitha Stark: I still remember the exact moment in 2005 when the idea for the book series "Medicine to Paint on" was born. My fellow author Petra Neumayer and I met in Munich during the year-long training course in practice-oriented new homeopathy, were quickly enthusiastic about the almost inexhaustible possibilities of this gentle healing method and spontaneously developed a book concept to bring this healing method out into the world. The pioneer of the method, Erich Körbler, unfortunately died in 1994, and who knows what other additions he would have brought us... A lot has happened in 20 years, of course, and in my practical work alone I was able to gain so much experience and learn a lot from the reactions to the symbols in order to further develop this type of vibration and information medicine.
There are now a whole range of information-based medical treatments that are more or less established. What is the common principle behind them, and what characterizes the special approach that has shaped you as a “pioneer of symbol work”?
Roswitha Stark: In the 1990s, healing with symbols was about the most exotic thing there was in alternative medicine. Paint sinus symbols on the pain zone and the pain goes away? No publisher took our book concept seriously or had the courage to venture into this unknown territory. Until we came across our current publisher Raphael Mankau - by chance, of course - who was immediately open to our ideas and, above all, had the courage to publish our first book in the "Medicine to Paint On" series. And now we look back on almost two decades and so much has happened. More and a "sea" of possibilities for working with the symbols and such a wealth of fascinating practical experience and application possibilities, also specifically for children, animals, plants, for room de-cluttering. Everything is energy and vibration, colors, sounds, thoughts, feelings. My soul has obviously chosen to work with vibrational medicine in the form of signs and symbols; it has fascinated me from the very beginning.
The idea that symbols painted on the skin can have a healing effect sounds highly unlikely to many people, but once you have experienced the effect, you no longer doubt it. What convinced you of the possibilities of this method?
Roswitha Stark: To be honest, as a "seasoned classical homeopath" I had absolutely no intention of venturing into such uncertain territory as "pendulum dowsing" or drawing symbols of any kind. I still found that pretty dubious at the beginning of the new millennium. However, my "little spirits", as I always affectionately call them, had planned a different path for me. And so in 2001 I read a little note in the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung about a "free pendulum course". I think I only jumped at the little word "free" at the time, but I set off. It quickly turned out that the only reason the advert was "free" was because the advert was free. However, the evening cost 28 euros and the whole course consisted of four evenings. I was just about to leave when a man of about 70 years old next to me stuck out his elbow and said: "Ever since my daughter painted the sinus symbol on the inflammation, the swelling has gone." I wondered what he was talking about. The result was that I not only stayed that evening, but on all four evenings I learned the technique of testing with the tensor and got to know the fascinating world of healing bar codes better. Since then I have been captivated and enthusiastic, and healing with symbols has never let go of me.
Symbols run through the entire history of human existence - from the signs in cave paintings of the Stone Age to the digital codes of our information age. But is there actually a basic pattern that lies behind all the abundance of symbols from the most diverse eras and cultures?
Roswitha Stark: Our brains understand and process images more quickly than text. Just think of the stop sign. In an emergency, would you have time to react to a text like "Please slow down and stop, it could be dangerous here!" in time? I don't think so. Our brains think in images, as CG Jung already discovered, and our reaction to them is many times faster than to any text. From a human perspective, visualization works because we react better to visual data and process it better than any other type of information. In fact, the human brain processes images around 60,000 times faster than text, and 90 percent of the information sent to the brain is visual. A sign or symbol can convey a lot of information in a compressed form. For me, the basic pattern is the "line", the straight and the curved and all the combinations thereof.
Building on Erich Körbler's barcode method, many other symbols have been added to expand the vibration and symbol work in practice. What are they and in which areas are they primarily used?
Roswitha Stark: I feel that now is the right time for the next step. So much has developed in this increasingly digital age. Just think of the possibilities of using symbols to make electrosmog and other radiation, even 5G and other microwaves, more tolerable. Here we have now gone far beyond the original electrosmog symbol. "Healing with symbols" has become a diverse and comprehensive consciousness work that kinesiologists and other holistic therapists also use successfully. We have now also gained the potential to be able to develop new symbols for new challenges, as was done for the "Homeopathic Symbol Pharmacy", for example. I am also incredibly grateful today for the uncomplicated possibility of being able to carry out family constellations all by myself with the help of symbolic powers on paper.
New Homeopathy primarily uses the dowsing rod, also known as a tensor, to determine the degree of stress of a complaint or situation. What other alternative testing methods are there and what are their advantages and disadvantages?
Roswitha Stark: Erich Körbler, the pioneer of symbol work, was inspired not only by the physical laws of vibration, but also by indigenous peoples who used certain body paintings for healing purposes. Like homeopathy, the method of "healing with symbols" aims to provide the crucial information and impulses for self-healing. But what are these, and how do we find the right symbols? To make a diagnosis and to test the appropriate signs and symbols, New Homeopathy uses a tensor, the so-called single-hand rod, but it is just as possible to get the result using other simple test methods, such as those used in kinesiology, or to use the symbols intuitively. In the new book, we also describe alternative test options that may be easier for some users.
There are many ways to work with Körbler's barcodes, but also with the numerous symbols in therapy. What possibilities does information medicine offer here, and what is crucial for successful application?
Roswitha Stark: There are an incredible number of ways to work successfully with barcodes and symbols. The best-known application variants are probably painting the symbols on the body and the so-called water transfer. However, there are also numerous other valuable options for bringing this type of information medicine to the recipient and providing impulses to stimulate the body's self-healing powers. Sometimes it is desirable to use a storage medium other than water, which you can carry in your pocket, for example. You can transfer the symbol to stones, jewelry, empty globules or other materials. In every consultation, I test how the symbols should be used; you should never use all the options at once, that would be too much for the organism. It depends on the individual concern. In any case, all the options are described in practical terms in the book, so that everyone can try them out, whether layperson or therapist.
Book tip:
Roswitha Stark: Medicine to paint on - healing with signs and symbols. The basic book of new homeopathy. With numerous new tips and case studies from 20 years of practice. Mankau Verlag 2023, paperback, 16 x 22cm, color, 254 pages, 25.00 euros (D) | 25.80 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-691-9
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