Violence against women: "We can train our (self-)security!"
Violence against women: "We can train our (self-)security!"
Interview with Tai Chi and wellness trainer Barbara Reik about " Safe as a woman "
"Many women, especially young girls, feel that they can no longer move freely and uninhibitedly in public - they are afraid of physical or verbal attacks. However, those who consciously prepare for such situations and practice appropriate behavior and sensible (counter) measures gain a high degree of self-confidence - this in turn guarantees that there is a high probability that a threatening confrontation will not even occur."
Barbara Reik, experienced Tai Chi trainer and author of the compact guide “Safe as a Woman”, provides women of all ages with tried and tested tips, exercises and checklists for dealing with violence correctly.
The issue of violence against women is more relevant than ever. Do you see your book as a response to the current debate about changes to the law and tighter security measures?
Barbara Reik: I think the "presence" of the topic is more relevant than ever. My book focuses on women and their needs and problems, not on political debates and their expected outcomes. My main concern is to show opportunities for personal development in order to be able to deal with critical situations.
You have been confronted with violence several times yourself and can therefore empathize with the situation of those affected. What do you think is particularly important when a woman is the victim of an attack?
Barbara Reik: I think that a distinction should be made here between a violent and a verbal attack. It is always important to remain calm and composed as best as possible and not to "overreact" in the case of a verbal attack. These are the prerequisites for one's own perception to function without restrictions. This is the only way to recognize and then seize one's "opportunity". Because it usually only appears briefly and there is little time to make a decision. In the case of a violent attack, the defense must be automatic and natural. This happens through trained behavior; one can prepare for threatening situations and practice helpful measures. Then "woman" is the one attacked or affected and NOT the "victim"!
Security is a basic need for all people and a prerequisite for their freedom. Paradoxically, however, the latter is sometimes even restricted in order to guarantee the former. Where do you see women's freedom threatened?
Barbara Reik: In the freedom to live easily and carefree. For example, women, especially young girls, can no longer move freely and uninhibitedly in the outdoor pool or in the city in the evening. It is the personal freedom that is often no longer available to us without restrictions, for example in crowds of people, on the subway, or even just on the sidewalk in the middle of the day.
Self-confidence plays an important role in prevention, but also in direct confrontation and ultimately in dealing with a violent attack. How can a woman achieve this state?
Barbara Reik: I am convinced that self-confidence can be achieved through training. Gathering knowledge and experience as well as practicing and applying your own skills in everyday life makes you self-confident. Speaking freely in public, for example, is also part of this.
As a Tai Chi teacher and wellness trainer, you know the importance of body awareness and inner peace. Which exercises are best for overcoming fears and surviving dangerous situations?
Barbara Reik: Fears and dangers always accompany a stressful situation. To ensure that this does not have a blocking effect, breathing exercises are particularly important. If these are practiced regularly in a safe position and finished with the exercise "clenching your fists", a good foundation is created - ideally in conjunction with a self-defense course!
Despite all precautions, it is not always possible to avoid actual attacks or to fend them off verbally. What measures and preparation do you recommend women take to physically defend themselves?
Barbara Reik: I recommend all measures that lead to sovereignty, composure and self-assurance. This includes a good self-defense course as well as activities that lead to physical and mental fitness, mindfulness and good reaction skills. In my guide, I provide a variety of exercises for mental and physical preparation for difficult situations as well as tried and tested tips in the event of an acute threat. Numerous checklists summarize the most important points in a clear manner.
A self-confident demeanor can sometimes also have a provocative effect. When discussing the topic of violence against women, do you think it is appropriate to also talk about the origin and cultural background of the perpetrators?
Barbara Reik: Of course. It is very important to be able to assess the person you are talking to correctly. And origin and cultural background play an important role in this, because they shape the personality. This applies not only to people from our culture, but also to people from other countries. As the saying goes: "Different countries, different customs." This should be taken into account. But it must also apply: "Our country - our customs"; in my opinion, we can expect a guest to respect our way of life.
Anyone who becomes a victim of violence has their physical and psychological integrity violated. Where can women find help and support in this situation?
Barbara Reik: Ideally, women find support in their familiar environment, in their family and from good friends. But sometimes these are overwhelmed. That's why it's good that there is professional help. In addition to the police, who will probably be the first point of contact in the investigation area, there are emergency telephone numbers and facilities for professional help in the municipalities. I have clearly listed the most important telephone numbers and addresses in my book.
Book tip:
Barbara Reik: Safe as a woman. Compact guide. How to protect yourself from attacks. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition October 2016, paperback, full color, 127 pages, 7.99 euros (D) / 8.20 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-299-7.
Link recommendations:
More information about the compact guide "Safe as a woman"
To the reading sample in PDF format
More about the author Barbara Reik
To the Internet forum with the author Barbara Reik