“A large collection of healing symbols, useful test tables and specific work charts.” Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark
“A large collection of healing symbols, useful test tables and specific work charts.” Interview with Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark
"In energy and information medicine, we don't tar everyone with the same brush - that wouldn't make sense. Every organism is an individual; it is connected to its environment, but every substance or piece of information encounters the living being's own vibration pattern, and this vibration pattern determines whether a substance or frequency is tolerated or not." Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark , who present 20 new test lists and work charts in the second volume of their successful " Practical Guide to New Homeopathy ", explain the current requirements and developments in energetic healing work.
The first volume of your "Practical Guide to New Homeopathy" has been in use for over 10 years and is now in its 6th edition. The second volume of this tried-and-tested tool is now being published. What is new about it and what has happened in the meantime in the field of energetic healing?
Christina Baumann: A lot has happened in the field of energetic healing in recent years. We had already published the classic barcodes of New Homeopathy with a list of Körbler's symbols in Volume 1 of the practical book. Users are of course happy to continue to include this tried and tested list in their work when it comes to finding the right symbol for a specific issue. In the new Volume 2 we are now providing two more important lists: the symbols of sacred geometry and essential symbols from around the world. With these three lists of symbols, every user already has a good pool of healing symbols at their disposal, which they can use effectively together with the specific work charts in the second volume.
Holistic healing through the transmission of information via symbols and barcodes has experienced an enormous upswing in recent years. What is the reason for this and who are you addressing with your practical book?
Roswitha Stark: There are so many ways to use the power of symbols in everyday life and in therapeutic work. That is why Part 1, with its diverse, concrete instructions, was so popular with holistic therapists and laypeople alike. The effectiveness of the method has simply been proven in decades of concrete health work. In our social media groups, we also receive numerous great ideas and a lot of enthusiastic feedback about the experiences that people have had in practical application. The "Practical Guide to New Homeopathy Volume 2" is primarily aimed at users of New Homeopathy, who usually test the appropriate healing symbols with a one-hand rod (tensor). But all other people who work with energy, such as kinesiologists, muscle testers, pendulum experts, etc., can also work wonderfully with these display boards and test tables.
Current requirements include digitalization with more and changing interference frequencies or the increased need to sustainably eliminate the effects of vaccinations and medications. What developments can be observed here and how can the “New Homeopathy” be helpful?
Christina Baumann: Time does not stand still, of course, and so many people have worked on the further development of this successful method since Erich Körbler's death. The selection of charts corresponds to the new requirements and our experiences of the last few years, for example with the aforementioned digital challenge with a growing number of interference frequencies and high radiation exposure or the increasing desire to eliminate toxins, vaccinations and medications or to harmonize them for better tolerability. We cannot stop the so-called progress with 4G, 5G, microwaves or radio waves, but these are frequencies that are extremely unfamiliar to the body and can also make many people ill. Here we wanted to make a contribution with our interference suppression symbols to meet this challenge and to make the human or animal biosystem more resilient. The symbols can be stuck or painted on devices or tuned into our consciousness. Projecting them with the power of thought between yourself and the "troublemaker" is particularly effective. The result can easily be determined using kinesiology or other tests.
Harmful frequencies or toxins can cause all kinds of complaints and illnesses, the extent of which cannot yet be foreseen. Why is it that not all people suffer equally from these influences?
Roswitha Stark: In energy and information medicine, we don't tar everyone with the same brush - that wouldn't make sense. Conventional medicine does it like this: headache medicine, heart medicine, kidney medicine, etc. Homeopathy uses more individual criteria here. Every organism is an individual; it is connected to its environment, but every substance or piece of information encounters a very specific vibration pattern of the living being, and this vibration pattern determines whether the substance or frequency is tolerated or not. Not everyone has a pollen allergy, even if many are confronted with it. One focus of the practical book Volume 2 is therefore a number of test lists to be able to harmonize the human energy field with symbols. The test list for detoxification or elimination with symbols is very important in this context.
You mentioned earlier that in addition to the Körbler symbols known from Volume 1, the symbols of sacred geometry and the most important symbols from around the world are now available for energetic work. What are the possible uses of this and how do you find the right symbol for your needs?
Christina Baumann: The possible uses are shown in the test lists in the practical book, each of which is described in detail. In principle, the procedure is always the same: after formulating your intention, you test the appropriate display board. You then test which symbols from the symbol systems available to you - and there are many more in this volume than before - are suitable for painting this area directly, drawing over the written topic or just letting your imagination flow into the area. The pool of symbols includes a large selection of essential symbol energies, but can be supplemented and expanded with others at any time.
Experiences stored in the subconscious come to a significant extent from previous lives and can lead to blockages in the here and now. How can symbols help to transform deeply rooted belief patterns and traumas?
Roswitha Stark: If you really want to achieve healing, then it is essential to deal with the root causes, and these are very often situational and emotional blockages in "time" that actually do not exist as linear time. Everything is always there in the energy field - and we can measure it! Blockages can hinder the entire energy system, healing or our general development. We therefore provide several test charts to uncover the type of blockages through testing and to transform them using various methods. This releases blocked energy and allows even our DNA to work in a more "relaxed" way. It helps us to be able to regenerate better and to be more open to a positive attitude towards life, to appreciation, compassion and gratitude, which increases our vibration frequency more and more and attracts positive experiences.
There are countless ways to use the power of symbols in everyday life and in therapeutic work. What would you recommend to people interested in energetic healing work to get started with this topic?
Roswitha Stark: To get started, you can simply use the pre-test table in the practical book to find the right chart. This will show you whether the cause or the issue to be treated is more on the level of poisons or interference frequencies or in the energy system of meridians, chakras or aura, or whether the level of blockages from the past should be treated immediately. Pre-testing like this is very useful because we have so many options. In the selected display board, you test the affected points or areas and balance them with one or more symbols as described. Then you let the whole thing take effect for a while and see what happens. You also ask how long the symbols have been used for; after this, the symbols have to be removed because the vibration frequency is no longer correct. And just follow the specific instructions next to the respective display board. In principle, if you take care, it is very simple and safe.
Book tip:
Christina Baumann and Roswitha Stark: Practical Guide to New Homeopathy Volume 2. 20 new test lists for use in pendulum, tensor or kinesiology practice. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition March 2024. Spiral binding 21, 29.7 cm (Din A 4) cm, 46 pages, colored display boards/test lists, sturdy and washable, €39.95 (D) | €41.10 (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-721-3
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More information about the “Practical Guide to New Homeopathy Volume 2”
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More about the author Christina Baumann
More about the author Roswitha Stark
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