“Symbolic medicine has proven itself for 40,000 years!”
“Symbolic medicine has proven itself for 40,000 years!”
Interview with the naturopath Roswitha Stark and the medical author Petra Neumayer about " Medicine to paint on "
"When we first learned about New Homeopathy and were able to gain our first experiences with this energetic healing method, it was immediately clear to us what inexhaustible potential it had - and that the world needed to know about it! In the meantime, healing with signs and symbols has gained countless followers, both laypeople and therapists."
The first volume of the bestselling guidebook series “Medicine to Paint on” was published over ten years ago; on the occasion of the new paperback editions of the first two volumes, the authors Roswitha Stark and Petra Neumayer take stock.
More than ten years ago, your idea for the joint project “Medicine to Paint On” was born. What motivated you and what was your goal?
Petra Neumayer: In 2003, I started a year-long training course in New Homeopathy “by chance”. At the time, I was having serious dental problems and was looking for a way to test my teeth myself and find out where the source of the disease was. And that worked out really well. During this training, I met the alternative practitioner Roswitha Stark, and we both immediately realized the great potential of this healing method. And because we both worked as medical authors, our shared idea was a natural fit: the world needs to get to know this healing method! And to give the books a popular title that would also appeal to laypeople, we called our series of guides “Medicine to Paint on.”
From an exotic outsider discipline, “New Homeopathy” has now developed into a permanent fixture in the field of complementary medicine. What are the reasons for this success?
Roswitha Stark : It is the same as with any empirical medicine: whoever heals is right. On the one hand, many users have noticed how good New Homeopathy can be for them with complaints. It is also very simple and inexpensive to use; apart from a tensor - a dowsing rod - all you need are felt-tip pens, paper and a glass of water. On the other hand, many therapists have experienced how well New Homeopathy complements existing therapies. Whether in family constellations or with animal healers, New Homeopathy can be used to bring healing everywhere. Last but not least, the vector circle - the inner system of New Homeopathy - is of course a real treasure for all users. This simple scheme makes it possible to see which barcode should be used. And here we not only have the two options of yes and no, but also nine different graduations. For example, if we believe that our dog is unwell, we can not only test whether he is really unwell – yes or no – but we can get the exact information of how unwell he is, according to an exact gradation and with the corresponding sign to be used.
The basis and theoretical foundation of the various methods of information medicine is the view that humans are information systems and can therefore be healed through information. How can this be achieved using signs and symbols?
Petra Neumayer: Every sign, every symbol carries information. A very simple example: you come to a stop sign in your car. You don't have to think long about what that means, you immediately step on the brakes and know that you can't just drive on. It's similar with healing symbols: they carry healing information, like a globule in homeopathy. However, in order for your organism to experience a healing impulse, you have to resonate with this symbol. This works by painting the healing symbols on your skin over painful areas, for example - on the boundary between the inner and outer world - or by using a symbol to transfer water. The right information - like the simile in homeopathy - can give our organism the healing impulse it needs.
New homeopathy and the new methods that have emerged from it are not only suitable for professional therapists, but also for laypeople to treat themselves. Are there any potential risks associated with its use?
Roswitha Stark: New homeopathy itself does not involve any risks when used by yourself, and there is no initial worsening or anything like that. A client may experience a tingling sensation when he has drawn a symbol on a painful area, as a reaction that something is really happening in that region. What is of course dangerous is when people with serious illnesses start to tinker with themselves and valuable time passes in which they should have sought professional help. The same applies to new homeopathy as to other healing methods: it is important to use it responsibly, and of course to recognize the limits of self-treatment and to seek advice and help from a naturopath or doctor in good time.
What is particularly fascinating is the enormous range of different possible applications. For which complaints or in which situations is the use of healing signs and symbols appropriate?
Roswitha Stark: On the one hand, for self-help. The tensor makes it easy to carry out tolerance tests. This is becoming increasingly important in our day and age, when more and more people are suffering from allergies and food or cosmetic intolerances. It is also not easy to buy uncontaminated "clean" food without glyphosate, harmful E-number additives, etc. Even if it says "organic" on the label, sometimes it is not organic. Here the tensor can offer us very valuable help when shopping. Trained therapists of New Homeopathy, who are also alternative practitioners or doctors, use this complementary healing method in their practice alone or in combination with other therapeutic methods for a wide variety of complaints.
Despite spatial and temporal separation and the lack of contact between different peoples, many cultures used similar geometric shapes and archetypal symbols. What connects such universal signs with individual codes or new symbol systems that have developed with modern civilization?
Petra Neumayer: The drawings that were found on cave walls all over the world 30,000 to 40,000 years before our era are the basis for the bar codes of New Homeopathy. Most peoples drew simple bar codes, very often four parallel lines. Interestingly, this combination of lines has some special functions in New Homeopathy. The glacier mummy Ötzi also had such symbols tattooed on parts of his body where there were proven to be organs with problems, and on acupuncture points in his meridian system. You could say that bar codes were already used at the beginning of human history; they are not a modern invention, but have been proven to be useful for 40,000 years!
Book tip:
Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark: Medicine to Paint 1. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2017, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 158 pages, 10.90 euros (D) / 11.30 euros (A). ISBN 978-3-86374-355-0.
Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark: Medicine to Paint on 2. Mankau Verlag, 1st edition April 2017, paperback, 12 x 19 cm, 238 pages, 10.90 euros (D) / 11.30 euros (A). ISBN 978-3-86374-358-1.
Link recommendations:
More information about the guide "Medicine to Paint on 1"
More information about the guide "Medicine to Paint on 2"
More about Petra Neumayer
More about Roswitha Stark
To the blog "Healing with Symbols"
To the Internet forum with Petra Neumayer and Roswitha Stark