“The colors of the rainbow make our chakras shine!”
“The colors of the rainbow make our chakras shine!”
Interview with interior designer, Feng Shui expert and astrologer Barbara Arzmüller
"We all love the rainbow, and its colors have been familiar to us since childhood. They are available to us at any time - as a color chart, as clothing, as a painting or simply in our imagination - and give us the wonderful opportunity to cleanse and build up our chakras. This can support the healing of mental and physical disorders and makes us healthy, self-confident and full of joy." Barbara Arzmüller , seminar leader and author of the paperback "Shining Chakras" , explains in an interview how valuable and yet very uncomplicated chakra work is with color meditations, yoga exercises and mudras (symbolic hand gestures)."
“Shining Chakras” is an expanded and revised edition of your previous book “The Light of Colors and Chakras”. What is special about this new book?
Barbara Arzmüller: I have revised and supplemented important chapters, such as the color meditations. A completely new addition is the connection of the chakras with yoga exercises and mudras as well as with affirmations, the "healing sentences".
Colors can change moods if they are used consciously - but if used incorrectly they can also cause damage. How should we imagine this, and how can we achieve the correct use of colors?
Barbara Arzmüller: Too much blue, for example - the favorite color of most people - can make you shy or depressed. Too much red can make it difficult to relax and can therefore drain us physically. Anyone who is even slightly affected by this should replace the blue in their clothing and surroundings with May green and the red with straw yellow for a while. Understanding color theory is easy because we are familiar with colors from childhood. That is also the reason why I like working with colors so much - everyone knows them. Even laypeople can quickly make connections and find solutions.
There are seven main chakras along the spine – what are they in detail and what role do they play for the body, mind and soul?
Barbara Arzmüller: The lowest chakra, the root chakra, radiates downwards to the earth and is responsible for our down-to-earthness, our roots and our will to live. The highest chakra, the crown chakra, radiates from the middle of the head upwards to the sky and connects us with the spiritual world. The other five chakras radiate forwards or backwards and establish contact with the environment and other people. The heart chakra is located right in the middle, which shows wonderfully that love is the center. It connects people and heaven and earth with each other.
Your book says that regularly cleansing and harmonizing the chakras is the best way to keep yourself healthy. How can you tell if the chakras are out of balance and what is the connection between them and colors?
Barbara Arzmüller: A disturbance in one or more chakras usually first becomes apparent in the psyche, but in the long term this disturbance can manifest itself as a physical illness. In addition to conventional treatment of complaints, I therefore recommend always looking at the corresponding chakra, cleaning it and building it up. If the causal blockage is removed, therapies often work much better. Colors give us a simple way of building up the chakras and thus doing something for our health without much effort. Because everyone has colors at their disposal, as a color chart, as clothing, as markings on the skin or even just in our imagination.
In your book you say that working with colors and chakras makes you happy. How can this be achieved in everyday life, which is often perceived as "gray"?
Barbara Arzmüller: It's best to do it every day! Whenever you think of an activity you don't like or a stressful situation, the helpful colors should be present at the same time. In a stressful situation, it's often enough to just imagine a rainbow. Then you immediately have the entire color palette at your disposal as a source of energy. And life becomes more colorful and cheerful.
What is the importance of yoga exercises and mudras in activating the chakras? Is there a specific order or procedure that should be followed?
Barbara Arzmüller: The order doesn't matter. Working on a "damaged" chakra not only with colors, but also doing a special yoga exercise can have a potentiating effect. And mudras are just practical because they can be used easily in between other things, anytime and anywhere. The knowledge of yoga and mudras is so old and proven that you shouldn't do without it in any situation in life, including and especially not when working with chakras.
The rainbow and its spectrum of colors have a symbolic and spiritual meaning in many cultures. What properties and qualities can be attributed to the individual colors?
Barbara Arzmüller: Red is the color with the longest wavelength. It is the color of power, self-confidence, the will to live. Orange stands for joy of life, creativity, eroticism and abundance. Yellow is clarity, the power to make decisions, gut feeling. Green is balance, healing, health, love. Turquoise is associated with communication, expressiveness, inventiveness and creativity. Blue symbolizes trust, mental clarity, imagination and intuition. And violet, the color with the shortest wavelength, stands for inner peace, spirituality and divine connection.
People who can see auras can see the colors of the chakras. Can you learn this ability or does it require certain prerequisites that not everyone has?
Barbara Arzmüller: There are people who have this gift in life. Everyone else can learn to read auras - if they want to. The interest in it shows that there is a resonance. It is amazing how you can learn to "see" in such a short time. Before you advise other people, however, you should take your time and practice. Then you will get increasingly clear and reliable results that are not mixed with your own emotions, fears and wishes.
Book tip:
Barbara Arzmüller: Glowing chakras. Color meditations, yoga exercises and mudras
Mankau Verlag 2016, paperback, 223 p.
9.95 euros (D) / 10.30 euros (A), ISBN 978-3-86374-268-3
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